I have some quarantine-friendly news!
I don’t know if you remember, but last year, I co-authored a book, PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL WITH THE PLOT CLOCK, with Tia Levings and Joyce Sweeney (foreword by Ryan G. Van Cleave, who wrote MEMOIR WRITING FOR DUMMIES, among a long list of other titles). Our book has been a success! It’s thrilling to see it help so many other writers!
And now we’re honored (and excited!) to have been invited to contribute our powerful little book to an incredible bundle of writing craft resources: The Writer’s Craft Super Stack!
This “Super Stack” is a bundle of excellent writing-related books and courses offered for just one week—for a really accessible price! (Their promo says it’s worth more than $4000! I dunno. I didn’t do the math, LOL. But I do know the entire kit and kaboodle of writerly awesomeness is available for just $49!)
Here’s some of what’s included:
- 19 bestselling eBooks and 19 premium eCourses, masterclasses, and training programs that cover writing everything from picture books to romance novels to page-turning thrillers.
- 8 exclusive trials for best-in-class software to help you outline your novel, plan your writing, and become a productivity machine. (Okay. That’s them talking, not me. Your mileage might vary. But if you try one of these out, let me know what you think!)
- 3 exclusive coupons on writer-related resources, including half-off cover design, book formatting, and more, all designed to help your books fly off Amazon’s shelves.
Follow this link to see exactly which materials are part of the bundle: It’s great stuff!
So, this literary feast is available today, Thursday, March 19, through Thursday, March 26. And good news: There’s a 60-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. That means you can get instant access to everything in the bundle and take 60 days to decide if it’s actually useful for you.
Thanks for reading. I’m not (as you know!), usually very sales-y. But we were super-pleased to be asked to participate: It means people are loving our book and talking about it! And it’s a wonderful chance to share our plot-centric message with (at least a part of) the world.
Stay safe. Write happy.