No longer accepting new clients
While I’m no longer accepting new clients for one-on-one coaching, I know how important it is to find the right support for your writing journey! That’s why I compiled these articles.
If you’re considering hiring a writing coach, I hope you’ll find my thoughts helpful. Each article includs information and ideas that will guide you in understanding what to look for in a writing coach and how to make the most of that relationship.
Articles about writing coaching
Here, you’ll find a collection of articles that dive into the role of a writing coach and offer guidance on finding the right fit for your needs.
What Is a Writing Coach? Understand what a writing coach can do for you and how they can help move your project forward.
What is a Book Coach? Find out how a book coach helps writers from meeting to meeting.
Why Hire a Writing Coach? Explore the benefits of working with a coach and how they can support your creative process.
How to Find a Writing Coach: 7 Strategies to Get You the Book-writing Coach of Your Dreams Discover how to set about a successful search for a book-writing coach.
Fiction Writing Coach Learn how a writing coach can specifically support fiction writers, whether you’re starting from scratch or refining your manuscript.
Whether you’re seeking help with structure, accountability, or refining your manuscript, I encourage you to explore these articles for insights on how to choose the right coach for your needs. I’ve gathered these resources to help you make an informed decision and to support you on your creative path.
What writers have said
Jamie, DRAWN AND BURIED won a Freddie Award.
You were instrumental in getting it into shape. Thanks! —Dana Summers, author of DRAWN AND BURIED, THE DARK AND THE DEAD, and DOWNHILL FAST
Many, many thanks to Jamie Morris. She’s a master at getting to the heart of a story. I was fortunate to have her at my side from the beginning on this one. —Julie Compton, acknowledgements, RESCUING OLIVIA (Macmillan)
[Jamie is] an insightful coach. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, I can’t recommend Jamie Morris highly enough. —Patrick Matthews, DRAGON RUN (Scholastic); columnist, DADDY TALES; publisher and editor, GAMES FOR EDUCATORS
Jamie has the ability to cut directly to the core of your writing issues and offer kind,
constructive, and EFFECTIVE suggestions for how to proceed at a higher level. Wherever there’s a block, weakness, or inefficiency—be it practical, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise—she’ll help you unearth it and move forward. She’s a keeper! —Tierney Sadler, THE DECK OF 1000 SPREADS (Llewellyn)
out to Jamie Morris for helping me decipher the structure of this effort. —Dr. Sharon Spano, THE PURSUIT OF TIME AND MONEY (Morgan James)
What writers have said
Jamie Morris is an outstanding resource for writers who want to reach the pinnacle of success. She’s a warm, encouraging angel on your shoulder, but she’s also got the skills, experience, and good judgment to help you vanquish your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. If you’re a writer with serious ambitions, work with Jamie. —Elizabeth Sims, YOU’VE GOT A BOOK IN YOU (Writers Digest)
Jamie, I think hiring you is the single most important gift I’ve given my writing life in years. Your guidance has led me to completed manuscripts, better story structure, and increased confidence as a writer. You’re a genius, and you help me feel like one, too. Thank you! —Tia Levings, co-author of PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL WITH THE PLOT CLOCK and author of A WELL-TRAINED WIFE: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy (St. Martin’s)
I’ve been teaching writing for twenty years, and I’ve been a writing coach for nearly as long. But I recently invested in five sessions with Florida writing guru Jamie Morris. Her fresh eyes on my work was exactly what I needed. —Ryan G. Van Cleave, author THE WEEKEND BOOK PROPOSAL (Writers Digest) and MEMOIR WRITING FOR DUMMIES (Wiley)
Jamie, I believe you are this story’s fairy godmother. You are making sense of what’s already been done and giving a new perspective on what is yet to be. Big Shared World is better thanks to you! —Colleen Waterston,
Jamie! Still absorbing the awesomeness! Amazing brains clicking together. I now have a solid first act, broken down scene by scene. So many thanks! —Anne Hawkinson, author, THE MYSTERY AT MOZ HOLLOW; co-author, SCOTLAND’S KNIGHT; Royal Palm Literary Award winner
Jamie is one of the most insightful readers I’ve ever worked with. She not only sees the bigger picture of a manuscript, she sees the deeper picture. —Joyce Sweeney, literary agent and author of CENTER LINE (Delacorte Press)
Jamie, thank you for the knowledge you bestowed on me during my first draft. The manuscript that sold reflects your amazing instincts. —Melody Maysonet, author of Eric Hoffer Award-winning A WORK OF ART (Merit Press)
Jamie Morris is a fantastic coach!
No matter what I’m working on, from plotting to character development, Jamie always has an intelligent, unique perspective to present. If you’d like to take your writing to another level, I strongly recommend Jamie! —Alina Smith, songwriter, music producer, at LYRE