IN ACCORDANCE WITH MY SUMMER-LY commitment to adventure, I spent a recent hour strolling a new-to-me corner of College Park. I browsed through a Little Library (and scored a copy of THE MOTH!), clambered over a fence at Guernsey Park to hang out with the minnows, and delighted in the sight of a yellow house whose front and garage doors were painted purple!
It may not seem like much, but when I mix it up—do something out of my ordinary—my creativity sparks quicker and burns brighter. My friend Hugh Holborn knows this, too. That’s why, a few years ago, he did something similar. Well, “similar.” You see, rather than taking an hour-long jaunt through a new neighborhood, in the summer of 2010, Hugh hopped on his bicycle and pedaled every one of the 2000 miles from St. Augustine, Florida, to Taos, New Mexico.

Hugh Holborn, who rode his bike from St. Augustine, Fla., to Taos, is shown as he leaves Pascagoula, Miss.
Along the way, Hugh documented his journey—the highs, the lows, the people he met, and his thoughts on all of it. And he’s not done, yet. Nope. This September, partly inspired by Cheryl Strayed’s famous Pacific Crest Trail hike, Hugh’s walking the southern portion of the Appalachian Trail and will be posting from trail-side. You can follow Hugh’s latest adventure at Teatime on the AT.
Now, you! Go big and bold like Hugh (and Cheryl), or micro-local, like me—but GO! Adventure will awaken your life and your writing.