Writing Prompt: 99 Bottles of Beer?

IN NO PLACE LIKE HOME: A Memoir in 39 Apartments, author Brooke Berman41aX81j9a5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_—who struggled both as a playwright and as a room-renter, sub-letter, and couch-surfer—shapes her story around the 39 spaces in which she lived during her early New-York-City years. Brilliant!

But if we haven’t occupied 39 places? What imaginative boxes could we use to divvy up and examine our lives? How about 39 cats? 12 breakups? 7 toaster ovens? 100 trips to IKEA? 17 head shots? 10,000 journal entries? 99 bottles of beer on the wall?

Writing Prompt

Make your own list! What organizing principle would best serve your memoir?

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