Mon Petit Chien

ARTIST AND DOG-LOVER JOAN MANSSON, has set up shop on Fine Art America. There, you can view (or purchase) her pencil-and-pastel portraits of pups she has met in her travels. And if you wander over to her blog, Mon Petit Chien, you’ll find adorable stories about the dogs that Joan draws.

Here, just to give you a taste, is the “bio” from Joan’s blog: In a past life, I must have been a dog. I believe my current best dog-buddy, Repeta, a Basset-Lab mix, was once my mistress. At the time, she was an opera star and trapeze artist, named Madame Celeste. I was her apricot Poodle, Jo-Jo, short for Josephine. After each performance, Celeste and I would retire to her dressing room to nibble on bonbons and sip sparkling water. Today, I am Joan Mansson, dog lover, artist, and blogger.

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